Product Information: APPLICATIONS: Audi, BMW, Citroen Trucks, Fiat, Ford, Jacobsen Lawn Mover, KHD Engines, Thomas Skid Steers, Mercedes, Renault, Ruggerini, Steyr, Volkswagen, Volvo. Bosch 2.2 Kw PLGR Starters.
STARTER #’S: 0-001-218-001, -002 to -029, -100 to -168, -170 to -178; 6-033-AB1-J00; 9-000-331-401, -402, -405 to -409, -411 to -415, -417 to -428, -430, -431, -432, -433; SR44X, SR47X, SR97X, SR444X, SR0460X, SR0498X, SR0803X.
LESTER #’S: 16949, 17009, 17016, 17040, 17042, 17183, 17234, 17414, 17475, 17817, 18230, 18367, 18952, 19723, 19725, 19724.
NOTES: 12116 Set Composed of 4 x 12116S